We take abuse of our services or network seriously, please report any such incidents to the above address.
Telephone Support for Domain Names
020 3012 4816
You can call us on this number for all domain-related enquiries.
Support is available from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, bank holidays excepted.
If you're unhappy with your Freedomnames service and wish to raise a complaint please e-mail support@freedomnames.net with a subject of "Complaint". You will receive a response within 2 business days, and can request to escalate the matter to one of our Directors if you are still unsatisfied.
Common Settings
For standard hosting, connect to server ftp.minx.net.uk.
For cPanel hosting on either the original Tracker cPanel server or the newer
WHMCS system, use your domain name (minus the www. off the front) as the
server name, and then use the username and password provided when you set
up the account.
If you have a standard Tracker account you should have a pop3.(domain) hostname
set up, else you can use pop3.mailbox.net.uk to connect, with the username and
password shown in Tracker.
If you have a new WHMCS account then mail is handled directly on the cPanel server
where your account is based.
Which Control Panel?
Existing Customers from before June 2016
If you are an existing user who had a domain with us from before the 1st of June
2016, and you have not migrated your domain to our new WHMCS system, then you should log in to Tracker,
which remains in service and continues to operate. Use the "Tracker" button above, or the "Existing
Tracker customer? Log in here" boxes below.
New customers from June 2016 onwards
To manage any new domains registered from June 2016 onwards, or existing domains which have been
migrated to the new system, then you should log in to the new WHMCS system, use the "New Control
Panel" link above or the "Existing WHMCS customer? Log in here" boxes below.
Solutions to common issues
I'm not receiving inbound mail
If your domain's DNS is conrrolled by a third party DNS provider but your email is hosted with us,
check what IP address the primary MX record is pointing at. If it resolves to, you
need to get your DNS provider to change the primary MX to smtp-in.mailbox.net.uk
My website is showing '403 Forbidden' or 'Internal Server Error'
Check if your webspace contains a file called .htaccess (that's a dot followed by the word htaccess).
If so, remove this file. It seems that some older web design software tried to add functionality to
people's standard hosting packages by placing .htaccess files in the webspace, the old webserver system
simply ignored any directives which weren't supported, however the new system is fussier and will throw
errors if presented with directives that aren't allowed in .htaccess files. The only legitimate use of
.htaccess in our system is to set up a redirect via "Redirect 301 / http://url-to-redirect-to". Please
do not attempt to use .htaccess files for anything else on standard hosting, as this will not work.
FreedomNames is a trading name of Mailbox Internet Limited
Registered in England No 03091862, VAT Number GB 6677 40109
Registered Address: 195 North Street, Leeds, LS7 2AA